Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week of 11/11

We had so much fun this past week! The Dallas Zoo field trip was an absolute hit! Thank you so much to the volunteers who helped out! The was very proud of the students' behavior. Be sure to check out our Photobucket page to see pictures from the field trip! If any chaperones have pictures that you have not yet uploaded, please be sure to do so!

We started working on subtraction in math. One of the students' favorite activities this past week was "How Many Do I Have?" The students got in pairs and had a stack of 15 linking cubes. The first person would hold out the stack of cubes in his or her hands, and close his or her eyes. The second person would then pull off any number of cubes, and then hide them behind his or her back. The first person would then have to figure out how many cubes the second person had. The students loved getting to guess how many cubes were behind the other person's back, and they did really well with the activity! I took a few pictures during the activity that I posted on our Photobucket page.

In social studies, we have been talking about Thanksgiving. The students made webs with "I'm thankful for..." in the middle and then they listed things they were thankful for branching out from the middle. The responses were so sweet, and some of the things and people students said they were thankful for were love, parents, siblings, food, shelter, pumpkin pie (me too!), and pets. Be sure to look in your student's take-home binder on Monday to see this activity.

In science, we have been talking about the different senses. We went outside for a nature walk this week and used a few of our senses to describe the area outside. Students loved being able to enjoy the nice weather and doing an activity outside. As you are aware, the students have each been researching an animal in the past few weeks. They loved getting to actually see the animal they had been researching. Be sure to ask your child about his or her animal!!

We have been reading different versions of Cinderella, which pertain to different cultures. The students have really enjoyed getting to learn about different cultures and using Venn Diagrams to compare the similarities and differences in each of the books.

Be sure to ask your child about these activities and more! Have a great rest of the weekend and I cannot wait to see your children tomorrow!

-Ms. Montgomery

Monday, November 11, 2013

Reminder: Class Field Trip Tomorrow!

Just a reminder: We will be going to the Dallas Zoo tomorrow, November 12th. Please make sure your child brings a sack lunch. This field trip will be a full day trip. Thank you in advance to all of the wonderful parents who volunteered to help out on this field trip. I look forward to seeing your children and the chaperones tomorrow!

-Ms. Montgomery